Web Design - Mercury CSS Classless Style Sheet
Mercury CSS is a tiny classless stylesheet built for speed.

I always knew I was a star, and now the rest of the world seems to agree with me.
—Freddie Mercury
Mercury CSS is a tiny classless stylesheet built for speed. It hooks directly into HTML elements adding minimal modern styling focused on good typography, fast load times, accessibility, and responsive design. The stylesheet is 4kb unminifed.
Mercury CSS is open source and free to use under the standard MIT Software License. View on Github.
Mercury CSS is a good place to start and build upon for most modern web development. And it's a pretty good place to stop if you literally only care about legibility and speed.
Great Typography
As a classless CSS stylesheet, Mercury CSS is primarily concerned with great typography. Great in the sense that it is easy to read and you probably won't notice much else about it, not great in the sense that it will win an AWWWARD.